
Renaldi Gondosubroto
Founder and Developer Advocate
GReS Studio
Renaldi Gondosubroto
Renaldi Gondosubroto is the Founder of GReS Studio and a Developer Advocate in the tech community. His personal vision is to be able to get more young minds into taking leadership positions in the companies that will come. Through his passion of developing software and contributing to the open source community, Renaldi wants to encourage the innovation of new solutions to usher forward and promote a new era of innovations that can be used by everyone. He enjoys sharing his knowledge regarding his experiences within the tech industry with many other people in order to also inspire and put them in the right track for success, both in conferences and in regular everyday situations. As part of this, he has been a tech speaker in numerous events for the past four years and runs tech meetups and workshops to promote better understanding of technical skills.